Our Outreach

Our Outreach

We began our financial inclusion programme with the objective of empowering rural women by strengthening their financial
capabilities.The response to this intervention, its visible impact, and our interactions with community members encouraged us to tap into the need for financial inclusion across gender, age, and geography.


Ergo, Crisil Foundation began customising the Mein Pragati training modulesto cater to rural women across cultures, as also urban women and farmers.

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The Mein Pragati footprint

  • 2

    No of states

  • 31

    No of districts

  • 114

    No of blocks

Cumulative Mein Pragati impact footprint (till May, 2024)

Our Manifesto

Active Sakhi cadre

Our Manifesto

Villages covered

Our Manifesto

22 lakh+
Cumulative outreach

Our Manifesto

Rs. 1,400 | Rs. 500/- per month
Avg income | Median income

Our Manifesto

14 lakh+
Cumulative linkages

The Beginning

Rural women in Assam

Rural women in Assam

As on date 103,658 women;
10,310 self-help groups

Mein Pragati, Crisil Foundation’s flagship programme for strengthening the financial capability of disadvantaged communities, began with a focus on empowering women in the rural areas of Assam, a state traditionally excluded, mired by multiple socio-economic and geo-political issues affecting the community at large


Rural women in Rajasthan

Rural women in Rajasthan

As on date 59,845 women;
5,687 self-help groups

Crisil Foundation expanded its geographical footprint to Rajasthan in May 2016. The programme is being implemented in the state’s eastern region (Alwar, Dausa and Sikar) with an overall outreach goal of 80,000 women by 2018.


Rural women in Assam

Financial inclusion in Maharashtra

Reaching out to small and marginal farmers in Maharashtra: Our programme for farmers’ financial inclusion focuses on: (a) Easing financial distress (b) Preparing them to deal knowledgeably with liquidity shocks (c) Having a greater sense of control over their finances through effective cash-flow management during a crop cycle...

Rural women in Rajasthan

Reaching out through community radio in Uttarakhand

We are leveraging a new medium of communication to reach out to the remote district of Rudraprayag in Uttarakhand. To create financial awareness and drive financial inclusion, Crisil Foundation is broadcasting a series of radio programmes to develop financial capabilities

Rural women in Assam

Strengthening institutional infrastructure in Central and Northern India

Our programme for women, poor landless and farming households, in Madhya Pradesh and southern Rajasthan has been designed to strengthen the financial capabilities of SHGs and individuals, for sustainable impact through the: (a) Creation of an enabling and nurturing environment (b) Active engagement to build financially sustainable institutions such as SHGs and federations... (c) Creation of a pool of skilled human resource at the community level for guidance and handholding support related to health, education, and personal finance

Rural women in Rajasthan

Collaborating with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Depositor Education and Awareness Fund (DEAF) Scheme

The RBI empanelled Crisil Foundation to conduct programmes under the Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme. All agencies empanelled for this purpose are expected to raise awareness about:

Bank facilities, related products and services

Redressal mechanisms

Rights and entitlements

Enhancing understanding about processes
to avail of financial products and services.

Read the full press release
Rural women in Assam

Centre for Financial Literacy (CFL)

The RBI commissioned a pilot on financial literacy at the block level through CFLs. The central bank has assigned Crisil Foundation 20 Blocks in Haryana and Maharashtra, in collaboration with sponsor banks. We will set up a total of 10 centres in each state to strengthen the financial capabilities of socially and economically underprivileged communities within the given intervention Block. The project will focus on women, small and marginal farmers, youth and small scale enterprises.

CFL has a three-year intervention period, with a goal to bring about sustained financial awareness, and create positive financial behaviour at the block level...

Read the full press release


Rural women in Rajasthan

Livelihood promotion (pilots in Assam and Rajasthan)

Financial independence and livelihood opportunities go together and hence, Crisil Foundation, in 2018 initiated a few livelihood pilots (on a small scale) in Assam.