Crisil Certified Wealth Manager

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A comprehensive training programme that combines concepts and practical insights to give you an edge in managing your client relationship through a practical and sound advice in today’s increasingly complex and evolving wealth management space.


Crisil Wealth Manager Certification aims to bring a holistic perspective on wealth management and covers various aspects of investments including product categories, risk and return characteristics, risk profiling and asset allocation.


It is important for investment managers, service managers researchers, and acquisition managers to understand the risk return parameters of various financial products and their suitability in each client’s financial journey.


Crisil’s two-day workshop aims at providing deep insights into financial planning and wealth management practice with relevant practical case studies.


Programme highlights


Use of Crisil mutual fund rating framework: The programme uses the timetested rating framework the Crisil to evaluate mutual funds over two decades


Training by Crisil experts: Training is imparted by Crisil experts who have more than a decade of experience in wealth management and financial planning 


Powered by Crisil data & analytics: The programme leverages on the time series of Crisil data & analytics on various financial products 


Real life case studies & examples: The case studies are handpicked by our wealth management experts to bring out the practical nuances of client risk profiling, asset allocation and wealth management.


Target participants


  • Independent Financial Advisors
  • Relationship Managers and Service Managers
  • Investment Councillors

Training dates - May 19-20, 2020

Training location - Mumbai

Training fees - ₹ 30,000 + applicable taxes