var dataLayer = {}; var digitalData = {}; -->

Shareholder Services

Statutory Information for investors/shareholders*

  • Ms. Minal Bhosale

    Company Secretary
    'Crisil House', Central Avenue Road,
    Hiranandani Business Park, Powai,
    Mumbai - 400 076
    Phone : 91-22-3342 3000 (Board)
    Fax : 91-22-3342 3810

  • Grievance Redressal

    Email :

  • In terms of the amended IEPF (Accounting,
    Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, the
    following is the nodal officer for Crisil

    Minal Bhosale
    Company Secretary
    Email :
    Phone: 91-22-3342 3701


*The above information has been provided as a statutory requirement. Institutions/persons other than investors/shareholders, writing to aforesaid email ids for employment, marketing, commercial or business support may not receive a response. Such users are requested to communicate with the Company through other appropriate channels.