ESG Events
Join the conversation around ESG and sustainability through events hosted by Crisil where we bring experts, practitioners, regulators and key decision-makers under one roof.
India ESG Leadership Summit: The journey from emergence to business relevance
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) in India has slow-brewed from sporadic boardroom discussions to policy-level changes and, increasingly, on-ground implementation.
Some investors and companies are taking the lead in driving the transformation by being early adopters. Importantly, the growing attention of regulators is persuading the adoption of ESG.
Today, this sustainability wave is breaking at varying speeds because it is a function of how individual companies - across sectors and sizes - are perceiving the waters.
So, can ESG in India move decisively beyond template compliance and altruistic suasion to something driven by tangible value from a risk/impact/opportunity perspective? Or will it become another fad?
India ESG Leadership Summit
Investors worldwide are sharpening their focus on sustainability, climate change and governance. The burgeoning bouquet of ESG-focused funds worldwide is a testimony to this. It is only a matter of time before ESG considerations become the threshold for investing.
Indian companies are also looking to raise their sustainability quotient, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic and a raft of climate-related and governance incidents. They are seeking independent assessments and ESG performance benchmarks.