var dataLayer = {}; var digitalData = {}; -->

Highly scalable and user-friendly Credit Decisioning Modelling with focus on retail credit card portfolio for a mid-sized US based Retail Bank

Client : Mid-Sized US Retail Bank




To Create a Highly Scalable and User-Friendly Credit Decisioning Model for a US Retail Bank’s Credit Card Portfolio


Crisil's Solution


  • Data structuring and converting multi-class labels in target variable to binary completed in a single click
  • Pre-processing used mean, median, and mode, along with imputing with KNN algorithm
  • Exhaustive EDA carried out quickly by employing easy-to-use interface
  • Data imbalance issues addressed with advanced SMOTE analysis and undersampling/oversampling techniques
  • Feature selection and performance measured with algorithms (such as genetic algorithms), principal component analysis, weight of evidence, etc.
  • Advanced machine learning and deep learning algorithms used for comprehensive model building exercise
  • Deep learning, coupled with multiple optimization techniques, used to improve model performance
  • All advanced ML techniques integrated with customized model tuning parameter
  • Advanced feature selection, along with automated fine and course classing
  • Key concerns such as model interpretability of machine learning algorithms addressed with the help of algorithms such as LIME, ICE, and SHAP
  • Customizable scorecard generated
  • Exhaustive performance analysis performed using tests such as ROC, KS, GINI, Precision, and Recall
  • GridSeachCV gave the best performing algorithm


Client Impact


  • New model enhanced performance efficiency, reducing analysis cycle time and minimizing error rate
  • Results accessible to client through customizable scorecard



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