Company Profile
What if you had all data you needed at your fingertips in a single, comprehensive, offline report?
Quantix Company Profile is your one-stop solution for background, operational, financials, rating, capital market details and management details
- Key financials
- Rating information, history, instrument details available across agencies, for listed and unlisted companies
- Latest Credit Rating Report and historical press releases available for Crisil rated companies
- Detailed peer comparison
- Directors with people level linkages (by DIN) to directly access linked companies in our database
- Share price data for listed companies
- Customized operational parameters for different industries
- Ability to set alerts for rating changes, new financials, changes in supplier and customer ratings
Screenshot 1: The company profile page, showing various categories of available information
Screenshot 2: The peer comparison screen showing financial and rating information, along with an option to change the peers based on suggestions / manual input