Capital Management (ICAAP)
Crisil Risk Solutions' Pillar II Services (CPL2), under its Basel II suite of offerings, addresses requirements of the internal capital adequacy assessment process (ICAAP). The CPL2 framework has been designed to ensure regulatory compliance and facilitate risk-based strategic planning and decision-making. The framework also supports capital allocation across business units, based on individual risk profiles.
Risk assessment templates measure qualitative risk. Scorecard-based assessment facilitates continuous monitoring.
Risk measurement methodologies offer documentation of methodology and assumptions, and are designed on principle of proportionality.Stress testing & scenario analysis models document methodology and assumptions.
The scenarios are customised to local business conditions.Capital budgeting & allocation models offer documentation of methodology and assumptions.
Design risk-based capital allocation plan to support decision-making process - ICAAP documentation comprises of detailed documentation of ICAAP components. User-friendly templates and measurement models support continuous assessment.
*All models are based on regulatory guidelines and international best practices.